Sunday, February 9, 2020

DTS Update

Hello everyone!!

Today I want to share with all of you about the lecture phase of my DTS (Discipleship Training School). In that Very first week God started moving and working in my life.At that time I did not know all the things God was preparing me to for in the upcoming weeks ahead.

During the first few weeks the storm started in the country. We were in the midst "peyi locked" the English translation "locked country". Basically this means that that all of Haiti and the people were in complete chaos, and that made the country shut down. Roads were blocked, protests were happening in every city,  resources were hard to find, etc, it was crazy. This effected our DTS as for a few weeks we were not able to fly our teachers. However God is faithful to provide and know what we need before we need it. In creole we have a saying: "degage"  the English translation "make it work" and with God's help that exactly what we did! We did something a bit crazy and skyped in our teachers. We had to do that for two weeks of our classes, it made learning a bit more of a challenge, but God is faithful and I still learned a lot.

The 3 months I spent in the classroom learning Jesus rocked my faith. We had a new topic each week but today I will share a bit about just two of them. Plumbline was the hardest but at the same time it was the most life changing and fruitful for me. In plumblide we spent a lot of time in the book Neimiah talking abut the wall he built and the plmbline he used to make it straight. We learned aout true forgiveness and healing and what effects they have on our life when we walk in them. During this week you are basically broken down and bring to life any past hurt and sin before the Lord, asking Him to heal you from it. I can say that it was definitely a difficult experience to go back into my past and revisit some of my old wounds. However, after laying them down truly before the Lord I feel like I have true freedom in Christ.

Holy Spirit week was my favorite week. This week in the DTS I got to see the power of the Spirit inside me! I got to dig deep into the scriptures and what they have to teach us about the Spirit. We learned about spiritual gifts and spent time seeking God on how He gifted each one of us. After that how we can walk in our giftings to bring glory to God and bless His people. Side note: later in my DTS on outreach I got to teach a small group on the topic of the Holy Spirit, but that is a whole story for another time.

I will write just a little bit of how outreach impacted me. During Outreach God was faithful in telling me over and over my purpose. As I took steps of faith satan came running to try to stop me from walking in obdence. Thank you Jesus that when satan tried to tare me down, God came over like a crashing wave reminding me to never give up and to stay brave.

Most of the time on our outreach we spent in St. Marc, however we did venture out to Gervais and Port De Paix. Wow, I can say I have so many stories on how God moved in each of those places! So many people gave their lives to Christ. We served the cities, youth, families, children, etc. God you are amazing!

That is all I will share for now, but stay tuned to hear more outreach stories and to hear where God has called me next!

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